Day 19 of Advent: Nesem vám noviny

In the previous articles we wrote about two beautiful Czech carols, both of which have quite an interesting history behind them. But not all carols’ history is known and this is also the case of Nesem vám noviny – a traditional Czech carol whose author is unknown.

A Bit About the Carol

As I mentioned in the article about Chtíc, aby spal, another Czech carol, most carols are folk carols which means that their author is unknown. In such cases, it is unlikely you could find at least some information about those songs. There are some exceptions to this rule, such as in the case of Narodil se Kristus Pán, however, this exception doesn’t apply to Nesem vám noviny. In this case, both the author and its story remain unknown. 

On the other hand, the less of a story about this carol there are, the more verses it has so – in this case it’s eight, to be precise. So you can take it as a little compensation. Yet, it is usually only the very first verse that is sung nowadays with the vast majority of Czechs not even acknowledging there are actually more. This is only hardly surprising – after all, not everyone would like to hear the same melody eight times just as not everyone would be able to sing for so long without pausing for a bit.

Nesem vám noviny
Click on the image to see the original sheet music file.

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Anna Minjaríková

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